Automated Test

June 03, 20202 minutes read

You can write an automated integration test using the api-test. You write the tests in the same test case file under expect property. You can write tests for both header and body. See Test cases properties to view all available properties.

Checking Schemes

The checking schemes defines what kind of comparison is to be made on a response.


  "test_case_1": {
    "path": "/get_books",
    "expect": {
      "body": {
        "eq": {
        "checking_scheme_2": {
      "header": {
        "checking_scheme_1": {
        "checking_scheme_2": {
      "external": "your-program/script"

Internal Checks

To make it simple and easy api-test provides 5 types of basic checking schemes:

  • eq - Response should be the same as expected
  • contains - The expected value should be a subset of the response.
  • hasKey - The key should be present in the JSON response
  • path_eq - The value inside the nested object accessed by the JSON path must be the same.
  • path_contains - The value inside the nested object accessed by the JSON path must be a subset.

External Checks

If the above checks don’t meet your needs you can always inject script or programs to check complex comparisons inside external property inside expect block.

You can specify all the above comparisons for a single test case.


  "test_case_1": {
    "path": "/get_books",
    "expect": {
      "body": {
        "eq": {
          "id": "1",
          "author": "Subesh Bhandari",
          "title": "The Road to React",
          "category": ["programming", "js"],
          "meta": {
            "present": false,
            "years": [2019, 2020]
        "contains": {
          "id": 1,
          "category": []
        "hasKey": ["id", "author", "category", "category.0", "category.1"],
        "path_eq": {
          "category[0]": "programming",
          "meta.present": false
        "path_contains": {
          "category[0]": "programming",
          "meta.years": []
      "external": "node test.js"

CI integration

You can integrate the tests in CI workflow.

Success State

When all tests are successful it exits with status code 0 API automated testing

Failure State

When all some test or all tests fail it exits with status code 1

Error exit code on failure

Error exit code on failure