Commands in api-test

June 03, 20201 minute read

To view the list of commands and options available run: api-test --help

$ api-test --help

A simple program to test JSON APIs.

USAGE: api-test [-hv] -f file_name [CMD] [ARGS]

  -h (--help)       print this message
  -v (--verbose)    verbose logging
  -f (--file)       file to test
  --version         print the version of the program

  run               Run test cases specified in the test file.
  test              Run automated test in the test file.
  describe          List test cases or describe the contents in a test case.

Run 'api-test COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

The root command requires -f <file-name> option to run commands. If you name the file test.json, api-test.json, or template.json then the option is not required. You can additionally pass -v flag (verbose), to see extra information if the command provides it.

Run Command

The run command is used to call API listed in a test case. See Run Command section for more information.


api-test [-v] -f test-file.json [-hiIs] <test_case_name>

Test Command

The test command is used to run automated integration tests on APIs as listed in the test case file. See Test Command section for more information.


api-test -f test-file.json <test_case_name>

Describe Command

The describe command is used to list all test cases or describe the contents of test cases without having to open the test case file itself. See Describe Command section for more information.


api-test -f test-file.json describe <test_case_name>